Advantages Of Pvc Pipes for Water Supply Over Metal Pipes

The usage of polyvinyl chloride for plumbing applications can be traced back to the 1930s, when they were first cast into tubes and used for water supply as an alternative to the traditional metal pipes. The rusting and corrosion of metal pipes carrying water had become a matter of grave concern in terms of health and sanitation and PVC came through as a reliable alternative. Ever since, PVC and its modified versions have become one of the most preferred materials for water supply and drainage pipeline applications. Read on to know what are some of the advantages that PVC pipes have over metal pipes for water supply and other water management applications:
1. The most significant advantage of PVC water supply pipe systems over their metal counterparts is the ability of the former to withstand corrosion from rust as there are no metallic elements in them, which ensures that potable water flowing through them is not contaminated. Additionally, PVC designed to withstand the action of a large variety of chemicals, which makes it suitable for drainage systems as well.

2. Compared to metal pipes which are quite heavy and difficult to manage, PVC pipes for water supply are extremely lightweight, which makes them easy to transport and also install, thereby saving significant costs.

3. Metal pipes have a relatively lower service life as compared to plastic pipes. The damage to PVC connection pipe systems from cracks is minimal, which allows them to be used for longer periods of time, and they do not need to be replaced.

4. Unlike metal pipes, PVC water pipes are fitted together using a slipping mechanism through which pipes are slid over another to ensure a tight fix or using a PVC pipe connector. These reduces the chances of leakages and thereby saves water from being wasted.

5. Metal pipes have a tendency to freeze if they are installed in low temperature zones. On the contrary, PVC pipes have great insulative qualities which prevents condensation in pipes carrying water even in extremely low temperatures, thereby making them suitable for installation in places at high altitudes.

6. PVC pipes have a smooth inner bore which prevents abrasion and corrosion, thus maintaining the high pressure of potable water or waste water being supplied through the system for optimal functionality.
For the most suitable solutions for water piping system for residential and commercial establishments, get in touch with Wavin, one of the leading makers of advanced plastic pipes and fittings.


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